Bees in Cornwall play a crucial role in the local ecosystem and are vital for the pollination of plants, including crops and wildflowers. As such, understanding and protecting bee populations is of great importance. We are proud to keep healthy hives at Trefewha Farm!

Importance of Bees in Cornwall
Bees hold immense importance in Cornwall due to their crucial role in pollination. They are key contributors to the agricultural sector, ensuring the growth and reproduction of crops. Additionally, bees contribute to the biodiversity of the region by pollinating native wildflowers, enabling their propagation and providing habitat and food for other wildlife. Their role in maintaining ecosystems and supporting food production makes the conservation of bee populations a top priority in Cornwall.
Threats to Bee Populations
Bee populations in Cornwall face several threats that endanger their survival. The use of pesticides, particularly neonicotinoids, has been linked to the decline in bee populations by affecting their reproductive abilities and weakening their immune systems. Habitat loss due to urbanization and intensive agriculture, as well as the spread of diseases and parasites, also pose significant risks to bee populations. Understanding these threats and implementing measures to mitigate them is crucial for the long-term survival of bees in Cornwall.
Bee Species in Cornwall
Cornwall is home to a diverse range of bee species, making it an important region for bee conservation. The county's unique landscape, including its coastline and moorland, provides a variety of habitats for different bee species to thrive. Understanding and documenting these bee species is crucial for monitoring their populations and implementing effective conservation efforts.
Native Bee Species
Cornwall boasts several native bee species that have adapted to the local environment over time. Some of the most common native bee species found in Cornwall include the Buff-tailed bumblebee (Bombus terrestris), the Common carder bee (Bombus pascuorum), and the Red-tailed bumblebee (Bombus lapidarius). These bees play important roles in pollinating native plants and crops, contributing to the overall biodiversity and ecosystem health of the region.
Non-Native Bee Species
In addition to native bee species, Cornwall is also home to several non-native bee species that have been introduced to the area. One example is the Tree bumblebee (Bombus hypnorum), which was first recorded in Cornwall in 2001. Non-native bee species can have both positive and negative impacts on the local ecosystem. While they may provide additional pollination services, they can also compete with native bee species for resources and potentially disrupt the balance of the ecosystem if their populations become too large.

Beekeeping in Cornwall
Beekeeping in Cornwall has a rich history and continues to be an important practice today. The county's mild climate and abundance of floral resources make it an ideal location for beekeeping. Many local beekeepers keep both honeybees and native bee species, working to maintain healthy colonies and produce delicious honey. Beekeeping in Cornwall provides not only economic benefits through honey production, but also plays a crucial role in pollination, benefiting the local ecosystem and agriculture.
History of Beekeeping in Cornwall
The history of beekeeping in Cornwall dates back centuries and is deeply intertwined with the region's agricultural heritage. Beekeeping was traditionally practiced by farmers who recognized the importance of bees for pollination and honey production. Over time, the techniques and equipment used in beekeeping have evolved, with advancements in hive designs and pest management methods. Today, beekeeping in Cornwall is a blend of traditional methods and modern practices, aimed at sustainable honey production and supporting the local bee populations.
Beekeeping Practices
Beekeeping practices in Cornwall involve both the care and management of honeybee colonies and the conservation of native bee species. Beekeepers ensure their colonies have access to a variety of floral resources throughout the year to support their nutritional needs. Regular hive inspections are conducted to monitor colony health and queen performance. Beekeepers also take measures to control pests and diseases, such as varroa mites, through integrated pest management strategies. Additionally, many beekeepers in Cornwall are actively involved in bee conservation efforts, promoting habitat preservation and education to protect and support the diverse bee populations in the region.
Bee-Friendly Plants in Cornwall
Bee-friendly plants play a crucial role in supporting the bee population in Cornwall. These plants provide a rich source of nectar and pollen, which are essential for the survival and well-being of bees. By including bee-friendly plants in your garden or landscape, you can create a haven for these important pollinators. Not only do these plants attract bees, but they also attract other beneficial insects, such as butterflies and hoverflies. By promoting a diverse and thriving ecosystem, bee-friendly plants contribute to the overall health of Cornwall's natural environment.
5.Native Wildflowers
Native wildflowers are a fantastic choice for anyone looking to support bees in Cornwall. These plants have evolved alongside native bee species and have developed a mutually beneficial relationship. Native wildflowers provide bees with a rich and varied source of food, while the bees, in turn, help pollinate the flowers, ensuring their continued survival. Some examples of native wildflowers that are particularly attractive to bees in Cornwall include foxgloves, cornflowers, heather, and primroses. By incorporating these beautiful and bee-friendly plants into your garden or outdoor space, you can contribute to the conservation of both bees and native wildflowers in Cornwall.

Garden Plants
Garden plants that are bee-friendly are a great addition to any outdoor space in Cornwall. There are numerous options to choose from, ranging from herbs like lavender and rosemary to flowering plants such as sunflowers and marigolds. These plants not only provide a source of nourishment for bees but also add color and beauty to your garden. It is essential to select plants that are free from harmful pesticides, as these can be detrimental to bee health. By including a variety of bee-friendly garden plants, you can create an inviting environment for bees to forage and thrive in your backyard or garden, contributing to the overall well-being of bees in Cornwall.